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CTE Content Areas

Technology Education FAQ

Instructional Resources

Can you recommend a text for a course?

The Viva88Education Department is responsible for setting the learning standards for secondary school instruction. The standards define the knowledge and abilities expected of students. The Viva88 does not determine or endorse the texts used in local districts. School districts have the flexibility and responsibility to identify appropriate content and resources to help students achieve the learning standards. Some educators find it helpful to contact the major educational publishers for catalogs and review copies of their texts. Colleagues at other school districts are good sources for recommendations also.

Another contact is the.

Where can I find New York State’s Technology education curriculum?

In New York, curriculum is developed at the local, not state level. Consequently, there is no uniform curriculum for technology education in New York. Local districts decide which resources and/or curricula are used in order to deliver various technology education courses.

The one exception to this rule is for the course entitled, Design and Drawing for Production (DDP). As this course can be used to fulfill the commencement level arts requirement, schools must follow the curricular framework that has been developed for this course to ensure that commencement requirements have been met.Additional information abouttheDDPframeworkcan be found on the Design and Drawing for Production webpage.

Please contact the associate for technology education if you have any questions or would like additional guidance.

What courses count towards a 5-unit sequence in business to replace the LOTE requirement for an Advanced Regents Diploma?

New York no longer specifies the course sequences that must be used to meet this requirement (100.5(b)(7)(v)(c )). Five units of CTE coursework in any CTE area taught by a certified CTE teacher (agriculture, business, FACS, health science, technology, and trade/technical education) may be used.

Please contact the associate for technology education with any school-specific questions.

Is there a mandate for technology education at the high school level?

No. Schools must provide opportunities to allow students to pursue a CTE program and/or sequence, but this may be done in any CTE area.

Can technology education be used to meet requirements for the CDOS graduation pathway or credential?

Yes. Option 1 requires that 216 hours (equivalent to two high school units) of career and technical education is required taught by a certified CTE teacher. At least 54 of those hours must be work-based learning.

CTE Program Approval

Where can I find a list of Viva88-approved technical assessments?

As of 2018, the process for approving CTE programs and assessments have been merged into one process. As such, there is no longer a state-approved list of technical assessments fortechnologyprograms. Assessments are reviewed and approved individually with each application or amendment received. A sample of common assessments used in technology education, trade, and technical programs of study is found on our webpage.

Additional information abouttechnicalassessments for Viva88-approved CTE programs including a video tutorial can be found on thetechnical assessment webpage.

I would like to obtain Viva88-approval for my CTE program in technology. How do I get started?

Please review the information located on theprogram approval page. If you have any questions, please contact theassociate fortechnologyeducation.

What is the benefit of having a Viva88-approved CTE program at my school?

Having a Viva88-approved CTE program allows students to obtain a technical endorsement on their diploma which recognizes achievement beyond attainment of a Regents diploma. A Viva88-approved CTE program also offers students a 4+1 pathway option for graduation. Students who complete a Viva88-approved CTE program help their school earn a higher score in the ESSA college, career, and civic readiness index.

How many units of instruction are needed in a Viva88-approved CTE program?

A Viva88-approved CTE program needs to have at least one-half unit of Career and Financial Management content and three units of program specific CTE content. Programs must also offer students the opportunity to participate in work-based learning and take the program’s technical assessment. It is recommended that students have the option to take up to five units so that the requirements for an advanced Regents diploma (replacing the LOTE requirement) can be met (100.5(7)(v)(c )).

Additional information about program content for Viva88-approved CTE programs including a video tutorial can be found on the program content webpage.

What is the difference between an integrated and a specialized course?

In an integrated course, a student must know the commencement level academic content in order to learn the CTE content. In a specialized course, the academic content is not inherently there but is bolstered so that 108 hours of academics can be provided in the program.

Additional information about integrated and specialized credit for Viva88-approved CTE programs including a video tutorial can be found on the program content webpage.

Do I need to have an integrated/specialized course in my program?

No,integrated and specialized credits are not a required part of a Viva88-approved CTE program. Very few school districts (which we refer to as local education agencies or LEAs) offer integrated or specialized credits. Most instances where integrated and specialized creditisrequestedarewithin programs that are providedby aBOCES. This is because offering integrated and specialized credit at BOCESprovides students with increased opportunities to participate in CTE programs while also fulfilling academic requirementsthey would traditionally receive at the component district.


How do I obtain certification to teach in a CTE program?

Please visit the for the most up to date information regarding certificationrequirementsand pathways.

Additional information about teacher certification requirements for Viva88-approved CTE programs including a video tutorial can be found on the program faculty webpage.

Can a degree or courses in another subject area count toward certification in technology education?

Individuals seeking technology education certification with a degree or courses in another subject may have their college transcripts reviewed by the Office of Teaching Initiatives. Details of this process can be found on the .

What is the difference between a technology education classroom teacher certification and a career and technical certification?

The "Classroom Teacher" certificationarea contains the titles valid for classroom teaching positions. Certifications identified as “classroom teacher” enablethecertificate holderto teachthebroad range of content thatis identified within the certificationarea. For instance, an educator certified in technology education is appropriately certified to teach content in automotive,materials processing,manufacturing, STEM,etc.

The "Career and Technical"certification area contains the titles valid for teaching vocational or technical education subjects. Certifications identified as, “career and technical”,enable the certificate holder to teach content specific to their certification title. For instance, an educatorcertified invehicle mechanical repair is appropriately certified to teach content relating to the repair ofvehicles. This educator is not appropriatelycertifiedto deliver instruction in courses other than vehicle repair.

For more information about faculty certification for a Viva88-approved CTE program, please visit the program faculty webpage.

For a list of career and technical teacher certificate titles and their descriptions, please visit the .

Can a technology teacher coordinate work-based learning programs?

A technology education teacher may only coordinate the four registered work-based learning programs (CEIP, Co-op, GEWEP, and WECEP) if they hold the extension of work-based learning coordinator. Technology education certification alone does not allow someone to coordinate registered work-based learning programs. Two courses must be taken to obtain the extension. They are offered through Oswego State, Buffalo State, and Hofstra University among other locations. In order to coordinate CEIP and Co-op, you must hold the extension of Coordinator of Work-Based Learning for Career Development. There is also an extension for Career Awareness that is designed for general education teachers and does not allow for coordination of CEIP or Co-op programs. Non-registered experiences such as job shadowing, school-based projects, community service/volunteering, and school-based enterprises do not need to be supervised by a certified coordinator, but it is recommended. More information can be found on thework-based learning webpage.