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Student Support Services

21stCCLC Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Template

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”- Benjamin Franklin

The after-school environment can be unpredictable; the lesson plan serves as a constant. Lesson planning is a significant element of teaching and learning and a powerful way to improve student achievement.
As perPDF Document:
Programs and Activities:

  • “should be aligned with the State’s learning standards, designed to improve student academic achievement as well as overall student success, and based on successful existing models, or research or other information”;
  • “should be aligned and coordinated with the regular school day and school day teachers, challenging State learning standards, school and district goals, and preparing students for college and careers”;
  • be reflective of “The NYS Guidelines for Social and Emotional Development and Learning”; and
  • “ensure an integration of academics, enrichment, and skill development through hands-on experiences that will make learning relevant and engaging.”

Planning ahead to identify a course of action that effectively helps learners reach their goals and objectives is an important first step in effective instruction. Lesson planning communicates to learners what they will learn and how their goals will be assessed, and it helps instructors organize content, materials, time, instructional strategies, and assistance during the lesson.

Additional resources for lesson planning:
External Link
External Link: The Office of Cultural Education offers many resources, including digital collections, workshops, and professional development opportunities to support teaching and learning
External Link
PDF Document
Standards and Curriculum Resources (A-Z)
School Mental Health EducationԻMental Health Literacy in Schools: Linking to a Continuum of Well-Being
External Link
Family and Consumer Sciences: Home and Career Skills Curriculum