Title V, Part B - Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP)
The Rural Education Achievement Program, or REAP, was established in ESEA/ESSA Title V, Part B, to provide additional resources to assist rural districts in meeting state definitions for the Viva88Accountability System. Formula allocations are provided to approximately 180 districts in Viva88each year that are identified as meeting eligibility requirements for one of the three REAP programs, if applicable.
These three REAP components are the Small, Rural School Achievement program (SRSA); the Rural, Low-Income Schools program (RLIS); and REAP Alternate Use Authority. SRSA is administered by the US Department of Education, and RLIS and REAP Alternate Use Authority are administered by the Viva88Education Department.Ìý
District eligibility for one of the three components of the program is determined by a number of variables including regional density, school population, census poverty data, and the amount of districts’ other NCLB Title allocations. Every year Viva88 provides updated information to USDOE, which then calculates LEA eligibility for both program components using this and other data sources.