English Language Learner and Multilingual Learner Educator Tools and Best Practices
New Resources
Academic and Linguistic Demands: Creating Access to the Next Generation Learning Standards in English Language Arts for Linguistically Diverse Learners (ALDs)
In September 2017, the Viva88Board of Regents adopted the newly revised The Viva88Next Generation English Language Arts Learning Standards (Revised 2017) (NGLS) as part of the strategy to continually improve the learning standards that guide education for all students in New York State. The Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages endeavored to create a set of tools to accompany the newly adopted NGLS. This document, the Academic and Linguistic Demands: Creating Access to the Next Generation Learning Standards in English Language Arts for Linguistically Diverse Learners (ALDs), is a result of that endeavor.
A Series of Topic BriefsProduced for the Viva88Education Department by Nonie K. Lesaux, Ph.D. & Emily Phillips Galloway, Ed.D.
The Viva88Education Department (Viva88) is pleased to present to you a series of eight topic briefs produced for Viva88 by Nonie K. Lesaux, Ph.D. from Harvard University & Emily Phillips Galloway, Ed.D. from Vanderbilt University. These briefs are designed to aid Viva88educators in implementing the NYS Next Generation Learning Standards; complement and support the Next Generation Standards and related documents; offer an expansion and deeper explanation of concepts embedded in the Standards, Introduction, and Preface; and provide additional guidance to the field particularly in settings serving linguistically diverse learners.
Topic Brief One: Advanced Literacies for Academic Success
Topic Brief Two: What Goes Into Effective Reading Comprehension
Topic Brief Three: Hallmark One of Advanced Literacies Instruction: Engaging, Content-rich Texts
Topic Brief Four:Hallmark Two of Advanced Literacies Instruction: Classroom Discussion
Topic Brief Five:Hallmark Three of Advanced Literacies Instruction: Building Written Language
Topic Brief Six:Hallmark Four of Advanced Literacies Instruction: Academic Vocabulary and Language
Topic Brief Seven: Advanced Literacies Instruction: Spotlight on Instructional Units of Study
Topic Brief Eight: Spotlight on Language Production Projects
WestEd: Quality Education for English Language Learners/Multilingual Learners
The following briefs were prepared for the Office of Bilingual Education and World languages by , a nonpartisan, nonprofit research, development, and service agency that works with education and other communities throughout the United States and abroad to promote excellence, achieve equity, and improve learning for children, youth, and adults.
Blueprint for English Language Learner and Multilingual Learner Success
Blueprint for English Language Learner/ Multilingual Learner Success in PDF
The mission of the Viva88Education Department’s (Viva88) Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages (OBEWL) is to ensure that all Viva88(NYS) students, including English Language Learners (ELLs) and Multilingual Learners (MLs), attain the highest level of academic success and language proficiency. We strive to ensure that all students’ individual educational paths and socio-emotional needs are met in multiple languages leading them to college and career readiness. Viva88 believes that all teachers are teachers of ELLs and MLs.
In response to the changing global economy, Viva88 has adopted the Next Generation Learning Standards to provide students, educators, and parents with a set of clear expectations leading to college and career readiness. Over the last decade, there has been an increase in the number of ELLs and MLs enrolled in NYS public schools, resulting in a current population of 261,848 students who speak over 200 languages. In order for these students to succeed, Viva88 needs to provide schools with the appropriate scaffolds, home language assessments, and materials so that teachers can provide instruction that will enable students to meet rigorous standards. Under the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Part 154, OBEWL affirms that it is not permissible to assume that unsupported immersion of ELLs and MLs into an English speaking environment will enable them to succeed academically.
The Next Generation Learning Standards require that every teacher be prepared to teach academic language and challenging content to all students, including ELLs and MLs. All teachers must be skilled in how to support ELLs and MLs as they acquire content knowledge while also progressing towards English language proficiency. It is imperative that all educators work across the content areas to ensure that all students meet the high demands of the Next Generation Learning Standards.
The principles that guide the Blueprint for English Language Learner/ Multilingual Learner Success were carefully developed as a statewide framework aimed to clarify expectations for administrators, policymakers, and practitioners to prepare ELLs and MLs for success, beginning in Prekindergarten, to lay the foundation for college and career readiness. These principles are intended to provide guidance, resources, and support to districts, schools, and teachers, as well as to promote a better understanding and appreciation of Bilingual Education, English as a New Language (ENL), and World Language Studies.
Best Practices
NYS Next Generation Learning Standards
Honigsfield & Dove: Seven Co-teaching Models
General Resources
Newcomer ELLs and SIFE
Publications & Articles
New resources will be made available to support districts and schools in the education of English Language Learners (ELLs) and Multilingual Learners (MLs). In collaboration with ELL specialists at the Center for English Language Learners at the American Institutes for Research (AIR), the new resources build upon thethat are currently available.
Tools and Modules
ELLs and Technology
This PowerPoint, a project of Heather Parris, Resource Specialist at the Long Island Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network, outlines the many ways that ELL educators can use technology to enhance instruction.