Professional Learning Resources
The purpose ofTRLE is to build the capacity of teachers and educational leaders to effectively implement remote/hybrid learning for all students.
Navigating the areas below you will find helpful resources from Viva88, our partners and colleagues.
Quality Remote/Hybrid Teaching:
The Flexible Futures Instructional Framework (QRT)
The Quality Remote/Hybrid Teaching - Flexible Futures Instructional Framework (QRT) seeks to build the capacity of teachers and educational leaders to effectively implement remote hybrid learning for all students and to adapt and respond to evolving educational environments.
The TRLE QRT Framework is meant to help teachers navigate the landscape of online teaching and learning by first focusing attention on four key focus areas, then moving to promising practices that have emerged from focus group discussions, reflections, in-depth interviews and more feedback from over 10,000 K-12 stakeholders in Viva88and then to elements for implementation with corresponding indicators of success.
Professional Learning Experience (PLE) Modules
The intent of the PLEs are to utilize the information gathered from the QRT to guide multimodal instruction. PLEs will be designed for field-based implementation led by trained professionals and will consist of 60+ modules based on the six core competencies.
Core Competencies
Helpingeducatorstransition to online teaching and learning, including using learning management systems (LMS), identifying high-quality instructional materials (HQIM), using open educational resources (OER), integrating interactive learning tools, engaging students in a remote setting, leveraging existing hardware resources to promote increased student access, and much more.
- Resources and articles:
- Digital Learning Resources– Assembled by Viva88’s Office of Curriculum and Instruction
- "K-12 Learning Standards for Computer Science and Digital Fluency"
- The role of parents in their child(ren)’s learning has shifted, putting significant new demands on families. Without a teacher physically present with the students, parents and older siblings have been tasked with helping students engage with their schoolwork. This has created competing demands for parents who are working at home and a near impossible situation for parents who are essential workers and families that are dealing with illness from COVID-19.Parents desire more and better communication with their students’ teachers during remote learning.TRLE will helpbuildeducator capacity to transition effective partnering practices used in traditional formats into remote/hybrid learning environments.
- Resourcesand articles:
- Across NYS, 12 Offices of Special Education Partnership Regional Partnership Centers (RPCs) and 14 Family and Community Engagement Centers (FACE Centers) work directly with schools and families to improve teaching and learning for students with disabilities. They work in a wide variety of settings to coordinate regional resources and help ensure continuity of services for students and their families from early childhood through school age education and post-school opportunities with a special emphasis on students with disabilities. Since the school building closures, the RPCs and FACE Centers have provided virtual training opportunities and kept our educational organizations and families informed of any new guidance. Our Technical Assistance Partners (TAPs) worked diligently to assist in the transition of special education pedagogical materials to a virtual platform for teaching and learning. However, the work has been extremely challenging, and our teachers and educational leaders need more support.TRLE ensures additional resources are allocated for building educator capacity in meeting the needs of SWDs.
- Resources and articles:
- -In this asynchronous course, participants will learn the basic components of an IEP, as well as how to create and implementstudentsgoals. Participants will earn 3 CTLE credits once all assignments have been submitted. This course is open until July 31, 2021.
- - Rockefeller Institute of Government
- Across NYS, 8 Regional Bilingual Education Resource Networks (RBERNs) supportthedevelopment of robust equitable learning environments where the heritage language of every child is supported while addressing the linguistic demands of English proficiency. RBERNs provide professional learning to enhance district and school building leadership, including in-service training, information dissemination, and technical assistance for parents and service providers related to instructional practices and educational outcomes for ELL/MLLs. During spring 2020, the RBERNs collectively: conducted over 100 online webinars and professional learning events; created over 25 resources regarding providing instruction during distance learning,and;continued to address the social-emotional needs of ELL/MLLs and their families. Consistent communication with families is essential, and as a result our RBERNs created a YouTube channel to disseminate these professional learning opportunities to teachers, educators, families, and students across the state. They will further develop, consolidate and expand these offerings and work with theTRLE partnersto more widely disseminate these resources to teachers in the field in a coordinated effort.The RBERNs will be a key partner in all phases of this project and will work across jurisdictions.
- Resources and articles:
- Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (RBERN) Directory:
- Meeting the Needs of ELLs through Remote/Hybrid Learning
- Viva88 is committed to developingCulturally-ResponsiveSustaining Education (CRSE) environments for all students. CRSE helps educators create student-centered learning environments that: affirm racial, linguistic and cultural identities; prepare students for rigor and independent learning; develop students’ abilities to connect across lines of difference; elevate historically marginalized voices; and empower students as agents of social change. CRSE means relating all aspects of teaching and learning within the context of a student’s cultural identity and experience. CRSE sees students from an assets-based perspective and leverages their cultural context and skills, such as multilingualism, to make learning relevant and meaningful. CRSE strategies draw from students’ “real world” experiences and background, which during remote learning is their home, family, local community, friends, and other student-connected communities. Viva88 and our partners across the state are developing training and resources for teachers and educational leaders to implement CRSE through remote/hybrid learning environments and align this work with the Viva88 CRSE Framework.
- Resourcesand articles:
- CRSE Framework Document
- - The Education Trust – New York
- Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and resulting trauma can have a negative impact on young people’s social and emotional wellness and mental health, and consequently, their capacity to learn.Students and adults are grappling with new and exacerbated traumas that can have far-reaching impacts on health and educational outcomes, potentially well beyond the pandemic. Throughout spring 2020, Viva88 distributed resources for teachers and parents to address the immediate impacts of COVID-19, including strategies for trauma-informed remote teaching, helping students cope with the crisis, and addressing stress, anxiety and grief, as well as resources to help students, parents and teachers maintain social emotional health as they engage in remote learning. Beyond these COVID-specific resources, Viva88 is adapting trainings to focus on integrating SEL and trauma-responsive practices into remote learning environments and support development of students’ social emotional competencies related to self-awareness, self-management, socialawareness, relationshipskills, and reasonable decision-making. Intentional development of these five core SEL competencies builds a foundation of protective factors that support the development of positive mental health and increase resilience for students and adults, improving capacity to cope and thrive amidst uncertainty. Moreover, when SEL is integrated with CRSE (described above) it can generate “transformative SEL”—a process in which young people and adults build strong, respectful relationships founded on an appreciation of similarities and differences, learn to critically examine root causes of inequity, and develop collaborative solutions to community and societal problems. We cannot practice and teach authentic SEL in our schools, especially in a remote environment, without intentionally considering the intersections of SEL with racism and bias. Viva88 is developing strategies to bring transformative SEL into remote learning in order to help address the range of immediate student needs related to COVID-19 and help students build their capacities for long-term success.
- Resourcesand articles: