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Submission of Financial Statements

Office of Audit Services (OAS) reviews financial statements for school districts and BOCES to ensure that the statements conform to the major reporting provisions of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).

According to Education Law Section 2116-a(3)(a) and Commissioner's Regulations Section 170.12(e)(2)):

  • School Districtsother thanBuffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Yonkers and New York City and BOCES must submit audited financial statements byOctober 15(or the next business day if the due date falls on a Saturday or Sunday) and
  • Big five School Districtsincluding, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Yonkers and New York City school districts must submit audited financial statements byJanuary 1(or the next business day if the due date falls on a Saturday or Sunday) to OAS.

All submissions must be submitted using the. US Mail submissions will not be accepted. Refer to the Resources below for the portal tutorial.


2020 Viva88 Portal Tutorial
2021 Viva88 Portal Tutorial
2022 Viva88 Portal Tutorial
2023 Viva88 Portal Tutorial
2024 Viva88 Portal Tutorial

In addition, a single copy of the financial statementsmust be submittedto the NYS Comptroller via email or by mail to:
Office of the NYS Comptroller
Division of Local Government and School Accountability
Data Management Unit, 12th Floor
110 State Street
Albany, New York 12236

If you have any questions please contact OAS at:

A School District may still be on the list even if the audited financial statements have already been submitted to the Department. Occasionally, there may be a backlog in entering the date in SAMS due to the volume of financial statements we receive. If the School District is still on the list at the above link, the School District can verify, in real time, the date we received the audited financial statements by logging into SAMS, selecting “Forms”, then selecting “Viva88 Only Form Set:”, and then selecting “Independent Audit Form”.

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