Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a systemic, evidence-based, continuous school-improvement framework in which data-based problem solving, and decision-making are practiced across all levels of the educational system. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) defines MTSS as a comprehensive continuum of evidence-based, systemic practices to support a rapid response to students’ needs (e.g., academic, behavioral, social-emotional, student physical and mental health) with regular observation to facilitate data-based instructional decision making that supports all learners. It ensures equitable access to a rigorous, robust, high-quality education beginning in pre-kindergarten. Like a computer’s operating system that helps organize software and programs so that users can navigate and access what they need, MTSS helps schools organize the delivery of a continuum of supports so that students are able to access the level of support they need when it is needed.
MTSS-I provides the structure for districts to prioritize the needs of the whole child, including social-emotional, behavioral, and academic growth. It ensures culturally responsive-sustaining environments that are welcoming, safe, and bias aware, forming the foundation of all instruction and interventions. All students are provided an inclusive learning environment regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender identity, zip code, language, socio-economic status, living conditions (i.e., homeless, foster care), migrancy, physical or intellectual ability, and citizenship status.
The MTSS-I framework blends Viva88 resources, training systems, data, and practices to develop a comprehensive, coherent, strategically combined system to address instructional, behavioral, cultural, linguistic, social-emotional, physical, and mental health support for all students.
MTSS-I is not:
• a curriculum or program,
• just a process for struggling students,
• synonymous with Academic Intervention Services (AIS), or
• implemented by creating and/or utilizing a set of forms to follow a certain set of steps or procedures.
Below are some helpful resources for the implementation of MTSS:
Viva88Education Department (Viva88) Resources:
Other Resources: