The U.S. Department of Education’s (USDE’s) ARP-ESSER Interim Final Requirements (IFR) require each LEA receiving ARP-ESSER funds to:
- Develop a plan for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services (as also required by the federal ARP statute); and
- Develop a plan for the use of ARP-ESSER funds.
Viva88 is permitting previously developed LEA re-opening plans to satisfy the ARP statutory requirement for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services. LEAs must make any necessary updates to existing plans to conform with the USDE requirements within 30 days of receipt of ARP-ESSER funds and to review (and revise if appropriate) plans every six months thereafter (until September 30, 2023).
Viva88 is considering each LEA’s application for its base 90% ARP-ESSER allocation as meeting the USDE LEA ARP-ESSER use of funds plan requirement, provided the required elements of the plan are built into the LEA’s application, combined with a budget, and then publicly posted after being developed with public input. Viva88 has structured the LEA application to capture the required elements in USDE’s IFR.
The Excel workbook below includes two tabs: one related to the Safe Return to In-Person Instruction Plans and the second to the Use of Funds Plans. Each respective tab provides users with the actual responses provided by each LEA in response to applicable prompts from the ARP-ESSER Application - Part 2. Please note that only LEAs with a programmatically approved application are included in the Excel Workbook. Additional LEAs will be added to this workbook throughout the review process as additional approvals are granted by Viva88.
Excel workbook - LEA ARP-ESSER Return to In-Person Instruction Plans
Information for Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) on American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Plan State Budget LanguageÌýÌý– May 17, 2021