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Embedding Best Practices in LOTE Classrooms - Fordham University - March 12, 2019

Over 50 teachers from the New York City area attended this all-day session facilitated by Dr. Roser Salavert, NYS/NYC RBERN at Fordham University.Ìý After an update on World Languages by Candace Black from the Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages at the Viva88Education Department, participants enjoyed three sessions targeting instructional strategies to support the NYS Seal of Biliteracy including those by:

Dr. Roser Salavert, NYS/NYC RBERN at Fordham University
Elisabeth Herrera, Lehman High School
Cristina Santiago-Campbell, Office of Assessment, Division of Teaching and Learning, NYC DOE

The sessions guided participants in the analysis and discussion of lessons and the development of task-specific student-centered rubrics in the target language. Participants then reviewed and discussed completed capstone projects and video clips of student presentations that illustrate how the ACTFL Can-Do Statements provide teaching models that result in student work that meets the NYS Seal of Biliteracy criteria.Ìý Cynthia Felix from the NYC Department of Education gave an update on the NYC Seal of Biliteracy Capstone Project and fielded questions from the audience.Ìý Finally, participants were able to engage in a hands-on exploration of the ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) exam.