Viva88Education Commissioner King Joins President Obama In Announcing Waivers To NCLB Law
Viva88Education Commissioner John B. King, Jr. joined President Obama and Education Secretary Duncan at the White House today as details of the Administration’s waiver package for the No Child Left Behind Law were announced.
Commissioner King issued this statement following the event:
"The announcement today by President Obama and Secretary Duncan offers New York increased flexibility to implement the accountability provisions of No Child Left Behind. Additional Federal support for our transition to college and career-ready standards and assessments as well as for teacher and principal effectiveness can accelerate the pace of the Regents reform agenda. The goal is to improve student performance. A better accountability system that supports and recognizes our schools will help us reach that goal."
"We are reaching out to key stakeholder groups and accountability experts to make recommendations to the Board of Regents for how New York can best respond to this opportunity. The Regents will start initial discussions regarding the waiver at their meeting in October."
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