Student Support Services

Beginning July 1, 2024, all subgrantees will need prior approval before embarking on any 21st CCLC funded field trip using the Field Trip Request Form. Please submit your Field Trip form to, thirty days prior to the trip. If considering multiple trips in a year, please use one form per trip.
Important Reminders:
- Field trips must be included in the subgrantee’s approved application or an approved program modification.
- The field trip must be considered reasonable and necessary to meet the goals of the program.
- All field trips must have an educational purpose.
- Staff salaries may be paid out of the grant for the time spent on the field trip.
- The cost for field trip transportation is allowable if it is reasonable and is part of the approved budget or budget amendment.
- All State and local policies around safety and parental/legal guardian permissions must be documented and followed.
- For overnight trips, time counted is not to exceed 8 hours per day.
- Programs should track field trips in EZReports as a special event. You may want to name the special event with the location of the field trip.
- Field trips may not be offered to selected students as an incentive for participation or reward for some other behavior or accomplishment[1].
- The cost for food while students are on the field trip is acceptable, if the cost is reasonable. [2]
- For additional guidance, refer to Financial Management and Allowability fact sheet, which includes Education Department General Administrative Regulation (EDGAR) §200.438 Entertainment Costs.